Saturday 12 December 2009

Human rights

"ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL IN DIGNITY AND RIGHT". These are words from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
While it is still hearing the echoes of the Human Rights Day, last 10th December, 2009, I would like remember the people in this picture. They are Spanish aid workers whose names are: Albert Vilalta, Alicia Gámez and Roque Pascual.
They were kidnapped by the terrorist group Al Qaeda last November in Mauritania.
They are victoms, as other people in the world, suffering abductions by intolerant bands that violate human rights and don´t know what the word FREEDOM can mean.
Let´s ask goverments everything that could stop this situation.
We only can report this happenning and wait for a happy end. Cross our fingers!

Wednesday 9 December 2009

This woman is Lubna Hussein. She is a Sudanese female journalist who was condemned to face 40 lashes due to the fact that she wore a pair or trousers in public. This is considerared a violation of Islamic laws in her country. After conmutating this pusnishment, this brave woman was sent to prison at the end.
Now she is a symbol. She is a significant woman who was able to say to Sudanese authorities that that was unfair.
Lubna Hussein is now in Spain, where she is receiving Press Association recognition. In fact, the Asociación de la Prensa de Cádiz, in Andalucia, does the honor to be with this woman today in a special celebration. If you want more information, look it up on the Internet today, 9 December, in this electronic address:
You can see the ceremony at 20:00, in the evening.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

For a fairer world

After thinking of the WORLD AIDS DAY, I keep in my mind some figures disseminated by Doctors without Borders. They are based on a report made by World Health Organization:
2.100.000 children under the age of 15 need antiretroviral treatments. 430.000 children are born infected with the virus.
33 million people are living with HIV/ AIDS worlwide. The majority of them in Sub-Shararan Africa.
The worse: The access to antiretroviral therapies is very difficult here. The pharmaceutical industry seems not to help in this respect. Is is fair? Let´s go to remind our goverments: "health is a right for eveybody". All people, without exception, have to have the possibility to be cured if necessary.